Harry | | |
Just using this medium to appreciate all those wonderful friends and saying thank you for your love, support, words of advise and above all believing in me. Having people is basket full of life and happiness. Wonder how life would be without you around me. Want to say I am what I am today because of all of you. May the almighty God reward you for kindness towards me. Once again thank you and I am too bless to have you guyz as friends. Wishing all of you the very best in all your life endeavor and prosperous new year 2011.
Kenny |
This guy has been an amazing friend. He's fun to hang out with and if there's any who wouldn't stab me from the back is Kenny. We have known each other for the past three years and our friendship is growing much stronger each day. I would say this is one in a million friend that ever come my way. Thanks bro for being there always.
The Igwes |
This wonderful couple has been immeasurably helpful to me during my early days abroad. They have wired me with great inspirational words and encouragement to forge ahead against all odds. Pastor Chima has been a brother and always there whenever I call. Thanks for all the advise and several assistance given to me. I am most grateful to God for sending you my way. Hope 2011 will bring you and your family more fruitfulness as you continue your good works.
Newest Couple |
This couple got wedded last Sunday 26th December 2010 and all friends were there to join them celebrating the union of this two great people coming together as one. Dozzy has been steadfast in our friendship and I am so to see him plying high as he journey on newly phase of life. Good luck dude and wishing you two the very best in life as we steps into 2011. "we dey expect plenty pekin very soon oooo....lol"
Fred Eselemo |
This ijew warri man has also been a great friend. He's fun and very caring. He often invite me over to his apartment for some Africa pot specialties. This gifted midfielder is known for his long throwing ball into the penalty area. We have had our in differences and over looked them all to move ahead. That's what true friends does. Thanks for being great friend, man.
Good to show appreciation to those who matters in your life but this pics of Mr and Mrs china is not really befitting. Do something about it please